Solar Radiation And Vastu—–
It is observed that one side of a house or a vastu is subjected to intense solar radiation, while the other side remains in shadow region.This leads to formation of ‘Aushnik Dwandwa ‘ or a thermocouple in the space around the house. In tropical countries , the southeast, south and southwest directions suffer scorching sun, while the north, northeast, and northwest directions are in shadow region. |
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This higher imbalance creates disturbances in the naturally ordered geomagnetic flux lines, with formation of nodes at the points where flux lines cross each other.The nodes represent distorted energy potential and sub atomic particles travelling along the flux lines can get trapped at such dislocations. Under specific conditions, these particles can start resonating to give micro level hazardous radiations. These emissions can work against the existence of life forms. Vastu Purush Mandal represents this phenomenon through the symbol of‘Yama’ (death).
This thermal imbalance creates imbalance in the smooth flow of energy through and around the vastu. The vastushastra tries to equalise the thermal differentials and provide a harmonious living conditions for the dweller. some of the measures to offset the disturbance in the south are –.. Thick , heavy walls and no openings in the south side. .. Avoiding any slopes towards south. .. More open spaces in the north and east direction. 4. Raising of plinth in the south direction. 5. Planting of trees as ‘Audumber’ in the south to have humid environment. Any pits or basements in the south direction distort the electromagnetic lines and result in severe dislocations due to thermal variations during daytime. Vastushastra considers these pits in south zone as ‘sins of planning’ and advises raised plinth and loading in these zones. The ordered electromagnetic field in the north and east zones represent ‘Godhead’ or ‘bliss of nature’. The disordered elctromagnetic field patterns in the south, southwest zones represent the ‘curse of nature’. Source And Sink Directions The east, west, north, and south directions are called the main directions of vastu , while northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest are the sub directions.. The main directions of vastu represent streams of specific energies. Since these directions act as source or sink for energies, orientation and alignment of forces are predetermined in their zones of influence. In absenece of such constraints, sub directions play important role. It is because sub directions represent zone of confluence of different energies that are at right angle to each other. As such any disturbance in flow in any sub direction initiates turbulence in energy flow which is aligned to the main directions. In ancient texts, sub directions are called ‘Marma – Sthan’ or focal points. The east and north represent source directions for ‘Pranik’ and ‘Jaivik’ energy flows respectively While the west and south represent the sinks for these energies.This leads to the following source and sink combinations –
Aura Of Directions
source-sink and energy -matter relationship while determining the position of the enterance to the vastu. The specific deities, virtues, and vices in dwar nivesh phal symbolically represent the micro variations in the energy levels.
North-west zone – Kota or blue tandoor stone is suitable for this zone. Blue color represents ‘vayu tatwa’ matching the qualitative requirements of this zone. |