A kids room is the room which give your child to take the first sep to his or her private life. A room is not just a habitation where an individual stays for some time just to cope up with few physical habits, such as sleeping eating, studying and many more. In precise terms, it is the place, where a person ncreates the unique world for his or herself and belong to it.A room is the best place that reflects the soul and personality of a person to a greater scale. It is the plce from where; the thoughts and imaginations start blooming.

Therefore, it is ione of the most important responsibility of the parents to create a simple yet tasteful accommodation for their kid because in turn it do play a great pary in shaping up the personality of the boy or the girl during the adulthood.
A kid’s room should always be proximity to the room of ones parents as it in a way provides the child a sense of security that he or she is always under the caring wings of mom and dad.
The room for a kid should me decorated in a fascinating way, painted in bright warm shade, as it will pronounce a sense of cheerfulness in the mind of the child. The room should also consist of all the essentials that the child is fond of.
At present, there are various customized forms of furniture available in the market and they really suit well to the choice of the modern time kids. Various kinds of games, a computer, if possible and books of different genre are a must in a kid’s room. This help in shaping up the character of the child living in the room.
Sigi says, the kid’s room changes form as the age of the child increases but one thing should remain constant that is this place should be such that your child will be happy about. It should be his space so to say and imbibe his style.
Every parent is keen to see their child’s progress in every sphere of life while there are some negative things that every house has due to Vastu defects which affects children behaviour and mind. Improper placement of things transforms children into brat, stubborn and low in concentration pushing their parents to get on nerves. Converting your child’s room with Vastu set of rules can perhaps give you positive results making your child obedient and progressive.
Some basic tips of Vastu for children’s room are as follows:
- West direction is ideal for children room and must be place there.
- Keep the bed in South-west portion of room and let your child sleep with head towardsSouth or East direction for peace of mind.
- Door of children room should not directly face the bed.
- South-west direction is best for placing furniture while avoid any kind of furnishing in middle or centre of the room which creates obstruction.
- Keep all the furnishing .” away from the wall.
- Cabinets and closets should be placed inSouth or West direction.
- Avoid recruiting TV, computer/laptop in children room as they effect child concentration. But seeing today’s scenario and compulsion computers should be located in North and Television in South-east.
- Avoid any exposed mirror in children room and do not place any kind of mirror in front for bed.
- Study table should face East, North or North-east.
- Study area should be clutter free in order to boosts concentration and clutter free ambience is good for generating new ideas.
- Good lights should be placed in South-east direction while avoid sharp lamps on study table which begets strain.
- To add freshness in your child’s mood brush up his room with Green or Blue hue.
- Doors in children room are best at East or North.
We have to take care of the following points while studying about the vastu of the children room. Vastu consultation of children room involves a thorough analysis.
- Proper location of the bedroom in the house
- The direction of the Entrance
- The direction & placement of the windows
- The direction & placement of the bed
- The direction & placement of the study table
- The direction & placement of the almirah
- The direction & placement of the dressing table
- The direction & placement of TV, AC, cooler, audio systems
- The direction & placement of the telephone
- The direction & placement of the pets
- The colour scheme of the room